Red Thunder - Scenario "F&R Prowlers"
Author: PanzerMikeCreated with version:pre-release CMRT v2.10Requires module(s): Uses mod tags:rubble

No picture provided!Russia, June 1944. The situation at the frontlines is very confused. Recon troops try to establish the enemy positions at Lepel. All modes, best played German vs AI.

Stock Scenario

the Blitz information

Battle Type: Meeting Engagement Date: 1944/06/28
Time: Day 09:00 Length: 01:00
Size: Small Terrain: Rough
Map Size: w: 784 m d: 1312 m Area: 1.029 Sq. km
Region: Soviet Union Early Intel: Neither
Weather: Thick Haze and Cool Ground Conditions: Damp
theBlitz Size Modifier: 4
Filename: FR Prowlers.btt